Hiring Event Case Study

Raising Brand Awareness and Filling Requisitions through Recruitment Marketing Campaigns & On-Site Hiring Events

Despite offering competitive wages and benefits, our client struggled to attract qualified candidates to fill essential positions due to a lack of brand awareness within the community.

In this case study, you'll learn how Orion Talent employed a multi-tiered recruitment marketing campaign and planned an on-site hiring event in an effort to spread awareness, drive traffic to the event, and fill open positions at our client's manufacturing location.

The recruitment marketing efforts and hiring event were so successful that in a single day, the client filled 20 positions, 133% of their planned hiring goal.

Raising Brand Awareness and Filling Requisitions through Recruitment Marketing Campaigns & On-Site Hiring Events

Please complete this form to download the case study "Hiring Event Success", and learn how Orion Talent's recruitment marketing and hiring events can raise awareness about your company and help you fill open requisitions.

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