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Technical Training Specialist

US Navy, E-7

I retired from active duty in the Navy in April 2006 and posted my resume on a veteran’s website, as well as Monster.com. I thought I had planned well for my transition to civilian living having completed my Master’s degree, but when I still did not have a job after being home for four months I started to get worried. I did have one employment agency contact me and state that for a healthy fee they would assist me in my job search. I, of course, declined their assistance.

I was truly at the end of my rope when I saw an advertisement for Orion International online while searching for a job. My first thought was that they, too, would try to squeeze money out of me as the other agency had. I did, however, request to be contacted by a Candidate Recruiter and received an email from Ernest Burson the same day, as well as phone call from him the next! He informed me of a nearby conference, which I did not end up attending due to the cost of travel. This did not deter Ernest who, while admitting to having few positions available in my location, said he would check into any available positions and get back to me. I figured that was the last I would hear from him.

Boy, was I wrong! Ernest called me back the next day and told me about a position with a company in a nearby town. The company was attending the conference that I could not, so Ernest forwarded my resume onto them for me and they soon offered me a position. I ended up declining the position because of the shift I was offered. I once again figured Orion would be finished with me after turning down such a great job with a great company, but I was also once again wrong.

Within two months, Ernest had two more positions for me in the local area. I then began to deal with an Account Exectuive at Orion, who was more familiar with these two positions. He hooked me up with Badger Meter, and, within three days, he called to inform me that I was their number one candidate. After a second interview, I was offered a position. I started work at Badger Meter in April 2007 and have Orion International to thank for it. Transitioning from active duty to the civilian work force was hard for me at first, but it certainly didn’t have to be had I known about Orion International earlier. Thanks, Orion!