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Manufacturing Supervisor

US Air Force, O-3

First and foremost, I would like to thank Mike Wood and Orion for their help.  Job searches in addition to the transition from the military can be very difficult, so their assistance was appreciated beyond words.  Thank you!


I separated from the Air Force on November 16, 2009, the same day that the company Orion set me up with made me a great offer.  I learned about Orion through The Airman Readiness Center, so I set up an account with them online. 


My treatment at Orion was top of the line. Mike was very responsive to every question and provided a great deal of information.  In fact, I had just gotten off the phone with the account manager for the company that made the offer when Mike called to congratulate me and see how things were going.  He was very receptive to my geographical conditions, salary requirements, and my goals for my next step.  I feel that my needs were listened to and considered 100%.


There was no comparison to Orion’s services when it came to other recruiting agencies. Some of the other companies I spoke with were very "fired" up when I first spoke with them but then...nothing.  I would get job emails that were not even remotely close to my preferences.  The best way to describe the competition was that they were shotgunning out things hoping to hit one or two people; with Orion, I felt that there was a concentrated and focused approach to my needs as an individual. 


I had an absolutely fantastic experience with Orion.  In today's economy, the job market is brutal.  I truly believe that without Orion's help, I would not have been as successful as I was in landing a job that I'm truly excited about.  Thank you!