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Plant Supervisor

US Marine Corps, O-2

I was familiar with Orion when I left the Marine Corps in 2005 and reached out to them in 2010 when I began looking for a new position. At Orion, I worked with Todd Phillips and Scott McNary throughout the preparation and interview phases.  They were both extremely professional individuals.  Todd's knowledge of the interview process and coaching helped tremendously as I prepared to conduct interviews. Scott's knowledge of The Scotts Company helped me make informed decisions.  They both kept in contact and wanted to get a feel for how each interview went and offered to help if needed. 

I am now a Plant Supervisor at The Scotts Company Growing Media Plant in Shreve, OH. Some similarities that exist between my career in the military and being at Scotts is the autonomy you have to develop and lead people and manage your resources.  My Marine Corps training and experiences prepared me to handle almost any situation and taught me how to train, as well as develop trainers. 

I worked with another military recruiting agency in the past and believe Orion did more work preparing me for interviews and seemed to have a better relationship with the companies for whom they recruit. I am very satisfied with Orion and would recommend Orion to any JMO that is looking to transition from the military to a successful civilian career.