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Installation Representative Level I

US Navy, E-5

I first heard about Orion through TAP class, and was soon in contact with several people, though my main contact was Rob Valenza. Everyone was very professional and informative, and I felt that they really cared about my future career. That gave me the drive and assurance for my transition out of the military.

There were other candidate recruiting companies, but Orion’s recruiters and service was unmatched. They were prompt with scheduling events and maintained excellent communication between myself and the company involved. It really gave me ease during the job searching process, as they did most of the work. I let them lead me in the right direction with their confidence that I was the person for that position. They understood and took into consideration my short notice of departing the Armed Forces and really pulled through on a shorter than normal time frame.

The process could not have gone any better than it did. It would be a mistake for those getting out of military with a technical background to not take advantage of the service that Orion International can provide. My thanks and appreciation to Orion International and the recruiters involved!