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Project Manager

US Marine Corps, O-4

I left Active Duty as a Captain in the USMC in 1997 and was immediately promoted to Major in the Reserves. While in the Reserves, I worked for a small telecommunications company. However, in November 2006, I was laid off and remembered Orion’s listing in the Navy Times and Marine Corps Times from my time in the Marines.

My recruiter, Chris Hurst, worked diligently to find opportunities that would allow me and my family to remain in Central Texas. He understood my basic needs and desires thanks to our phone conference and resume review. They also cautioned me, though, that I might not find what I was looking for if I remained unwilling to move.

Fortunately, my job opportunity with Power Line Constructors and Trenching (PLCT) came very quickly. I didn’t even have time to attend a hiring conference. When the opportunity came up on a Thursday morning, I was in a phone interview Thursday afternoon and then scheduled for a flight to New York on the following Monday. One week later, I was offered and accepted the position with enthusiasm.

I am now one of seven Project Managers/Engineers working for PLCT, headquartered in Clinton, New York. PLCT is the premiere trenching company building the electrical collection systems for most of the nation’s wind energy centers. This job is definitely up my alley and is precisely what I want to be doing.

Two other former military officers had been hired by PLCT prior to me coming aboard, and another one joined us last month. These men I am working with are adding a new professional dimension to PLC Trenching, and the constant feedback we receive is always laudatory. PLCT is a fantastic company that goes to great pain and expense to take great care of its employees.

Orion provided the best support I could have asked for. If you are a JMO, you cannot go wrong with Orion International, they will facilitate your success at every turn. Orion International hit the bull’s eye for me!