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Facilities Maintenance Technician

US Navy, E-6

My Orion recruiter, Mike Wooster, was outstanding, staying in touch with me every step of the way, and making sure that even on short notice, I was prepared to walk into the interviews in Norfolk with the confidence I needed to excel. Everyone at Orion was nothing short of outstanding in making sure that everyone under their care was taken care of and prepared to start new careers.

I am now a Facilities Maintenance Technician at a data center in South Carolina. I was an E-6 Nuclear Machinist Mate in the Navy, a rate they were specifically looking for because of our high standards, work ethic, and the ability to work on extremely critical equipment with first-time quality.

While on the surface, it may not seem like there are a lot of similarities between a nuclear power plant and a data center, they are both extremely critical and important pieces of equipment, albeit for completely different reasons. Want to know why your Gmail always works? Why every online search takes just fractions of a second? Why you can always watch videos of cats riding on Roombas on YouTube? It's because those data centers work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Using Orion’s services was a million times easier than going at it alone. I never would have thought in a million years that I would be working here. This is like a dream come true. There seems to be a mindset with Navy Nukes that the only place you can work after you get out is a power plant. That's just not true. There are so many things they are perfectly suited for, and companies are starting to realize what skills they bring to the table. I would like to thank everyone at Orion for helping me score the career of a lifetime!