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Program Manager

US Army, O-2

I was in the National Guard for 2 years through school and on Active Duty with the Army for five years. I went through ACAP at Fort Campbell, KY, and they showed me several ways that I could write a resume and gave me little pointers that would help in the interview process. I took their advice and started looking for a job and interviewing. I chose companies that I thought would make for a good transition out of the Army, but this method did not bring about my desired position. (And I was just looking for something that I could do for a couple years and then transition to something more satisfying.)

One evening, I registered on Orion’s website, and, the next day, I got a phone call from Josh Williamson, who worked with me to find out what I wanted to do. He also worked on the resume that I sent him and adjusted it for me to better fit the companies that I wanted to target. I went to a hiring conference in Detroit, MI, and interviewed with several companies.

Todd Phillips helped me get an interview with Magna Powertrain at the hiring conference. Within three weeks after the conference, I had follow-up interviews with my two favorite companies and had offers on the table (in the field that I wanted to be in).

I definitely could not have landed an interview with some of the companies that I spoke with if it wasn’t for Orion. They want to prepare you for your transition. I recommend Orion International. They will help get you where you want to be.