Become a Partner

Interested in Becoming a Partner?

We LOVE referrals. Partner with us by referring your friends in the recruiting world. Sending referrals is a two-way street and can be mutually beneficial.

Expand how you serve your clients. It can be a positive reflection on you when you can help clients solve more problems than just the products you sell.

Why Orion Talent?

Orion is the #1 Mid-Market RPO Provider in the country. We've been providing recruiting solutions since 2002 and helped found the Recruitment Process Outsourcing Association (RPOA). Orion Talent partners with fast growing mid-market companies to build and execute customized recruiting solutions - from sourcing services to end-to-end Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) - with assurances.

How does it work?

Make a referral. We just require you to make the introduction for us. We can take it from there. Then we will report back to you on the relationship or outcome.

What to look for? How do I know who to refer?

  • Client uses a lot of expensive agencies/headhunters
  • Recruiting team is not the right size to handle current volume
  • New locations or new business lines launching
  • No internal recruiting team
  • Lack of recruiting expertise
  • Can't find qualified candidates
  • Aging Requisitions
  • Frazzled HR person with too many things to manage
  • Lack of career page on company's website

Is there a fee to become a partner?

Nope! Free, in fact we pay you.

What's my obligation?

Absolutely no obligation.

We have more info we can share. If this interests you, fill out the form below and we will connect with you.

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