Field Engineer

US Navy, E-6

I can't express how much I appreciate all that Orion International has done for me. I only started to search for jobs about one month after leaving active duty in the US Navy. A friend of mine of had separated from the military just a month before I was scheduled to and told me about Orion. He said that Orion found him a job that he was very pleased with.

My recruiter was Quang Truong, and he made sure that I had all the materials I needed prior to the June hiring conference I attended. He also made sure that I had interviews with all the companies I was interested in at the conference. I had a day prior to the conference to research the company I was most interested in (both online and with material provided by Orion), and I was able to successfully interview with the company representative.

In just over a month and three follow up interviews, I accepted a job offer with that company. I am starting as a Field Engineer for a global materials analysis company utilizing my electronics background. I am glad to have come on board with Orion, since I would never have found this wonderful job without their assistance!