Project Engineer

US Marine Corps, E-5

I graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2003. I took an engineering position with a large defense contractor after graduation, but it didn’t take long before I realized that office life wasn’t right for me. I then enlisted in the Marine Corps, where I worked my way to the rank of Sergeant in the infantry.

Orion International was not the only recruiting firm I spoke with, but they were the first to actually convince me that they were serious about placing me. Most of the other organizations asked a few questions, took down my information, and told me to give them a call when I was closer to getting out of the Corps (I was five months out). Mike Starich and his staff were the exception. They asked their questions, they took down my information, but they called back within a week or so.

They kept in touch, and they remembered my answers to their questions. I didn’t have to start fresh with every account executive that I spoke to, unlike most of the other firms. The Orion representatives were constantly calling me with potential matches. I truly felt that I didn’t have to settle for anything unless it was exactly what I wanted because, given a little bit of time, Mike’s team would bring me another gem.

Mike Wood eventually brought me several great matches, but there was one in particular that I felt was “the one.” After the standard phone screening, Mike arranged for a couple face-to-face interviews with my top two candidates in such a way that, when the process was done, I had two written offers to consider simultaneously. I eventually chose to be a Project Engineer with a $350M general contracting firm. The position is commensurate with my experience and skill level and has actually put me ahead of many of my peers who have worked in the industry since college.

So far the company has exceeded my expectations, and I don’t expect for that to change any time soon. The job is exactly as it was described when Mike first presented it to me. Anyone who is serious about finding the right job needs not look any farther than Orion. Of the dozen or so recruiting company that I spoke with, only Orion instilled me with confidence, not only in their ability but also in their commitment. My reputation is extremely important to me, and there’s only one name that I’ll pass on to my peers: Orion.