
US Navy, O-4

I picked up the basics here at Haven Homes very quickly. A week-and-a-half into my new job, I performed my first solo estimate. Since then, things have been moving rapidly—to the extent that I've even priced a couple of the more complex commercial jobs. Thanks to my knowledge of Excel, I've also been able to add a couple of very productive enhancements to their prior capabilities, which has not gone unnoticed. Things have been going great.

Haven is a fantastic place to work. Thanks again for making sure that I didn't immediately write it off because it's in the housing industry. Everyone I work with is happy to help me along when I have questions, and I have even been able to make contributions of my own to fellow estimators.

If I could make one recommendation to your current job seekers, it would be to make sure they emphasize the communications skills they have learned in working with other departments in the military. Things that I took for granted because they happened on a daily basis, I have learned is not necessarily the case in the civilian market. Communication across all levels is key and can be a big plus in their column if they make sure they can articulate it well in their interviews. Thanks again for everything.