Design Engineer

US Army,

I want to thank Orion for allowing me the opportunity to interview and finally secure a position with Southwest Signal Engineering as a Jr. Signal Designer. As of today, I am rounding out my third week with this amazing company. Southwest Signal Engineering has exceeded my expectations in all areas. Within five hours of me joining Southwest Signal Engineering on November 27, 2006, I was put on my first project, which was completed and out the door to the customer by December 1, 2006. The entire staff here have made me feel very welcome. It goes without saying that I am very busy with the workload, but I wanted to take time to say thank Robert Gumpper and Orion, as they been very instrumental in my career. I do want to thank them, too, for always keeping me high on their priority list when it came to my career search. Orion’s guidance, knowledge, and staff are of the utmost quality, and I am sure future JMOs will find Orion’s services as useful as I did. Thanks for putting me in what I call my dream position at Southwest Signal Engineering. This is the one I have been waiting for all my adult life.