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  • 10 Ways to Recruit Top Talent [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Looming Talent Shortage

The talent shortage is coming and attracting new top performers is getting tougher. For many industries, it is already here. For many industries, it is already here. According to CEOWORLD Magazine, we can expect an “exodus surge as the COVID-19 virus begins to recede and the economy, along with job prospects, heats up.” The article goes on to predict a shortfall of five million workers over the next several years.

In what will become an increasingly more competitive talent market, it is more important than ever to implement top-notch recruitment strategies to secure the talent you need. To help with this, Orion Talent has developed ten methods companies must use to turn an ineffective, fragmented, and stale recruiting program into an aligned, proactive, and diversified one that attracts the right talent.

The Best Practices for Attracting Top Talent

1. Be proactive.

In a world competing for the same quality talent, you must have a clear strategy in place.

2. Align HR, talent acquisition, and hiring managers.

Agree on goals and the realities of the talent market today.

3. Identify key positions.

What do you need to fill and what do those types of employees value?

4. Create an employee value proposition (EVP) based on those values.

Ensure your EVP is unique, realistic, and true to your company.

5. Optimize the talent acquisition model that best suits your organization.

Do you need to leverage enterprise, project or blended?

6. Promote your EVP.

Utilize social media and other digital tools.

7. Broaden your candidate pools.

Consider non-local talent who can work remote or candidates who have the soft skills needed but can be trained on the hard skills.

8. Evaluate tools and technologies.

Optimize your TA strategy and implement a plan for adoption.

9. Diversify your sourcing channels.

You can do so through an Employee Referral Program, social sourcing, job board resume databases, sourcing software, and re-engaging candidates in your ATS that have previously applied.

10. Train everyone who has a role in recruiting on the strategy, tools, and EVP.

Be available for questions and schedule check-ins to stay proactive.

Download the Infographic

Armed with all ten tips in our latest infographic, you will be ready to attract and employ the best talent available. Following these strategies can serve as a blueprint for recruiting success and help you gain the upper hand in snagging top talent. Download all ten tips now, and then contact us for expert guidance on implementing them.

Learn More

Want more resources to get you started with each tip? We have organized a few quick links by topic below to help:


TA Trendsetters: HR’s Role in Productivity and Branding, with Katy Theroux of NCI Building Systems

Tips for a Strong Employer Branding Strategy

Guide to Employer Branding and Recruitment

Talent Acquisition Models

Recruitment Process Outsourcing

TA Trendsetters: Efficiency & Engagement in Talent Acquisition, with Malaika Kattke, Human Resources Director, Corporate and Field Operations at QAD

Candidate Pools

TA Trendsetters: The Business Case for Military Hiring, with Mary Collins of S&C Electric Company

WATCH THE VIDEO - Build a More Diverse Candidate Pipeline with Military Talent | An Orion Talent Webinar

New Technology

TA Trendsetters: Look Out! Disruption and the Future Ahead, with David Pollard of PredictiveHR

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