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  • Read our Survey Report - Where HR and Hiring Managers Differ and Agree on TA Performance
Presented by HRO Today and Orion Novotus, HR and Hiring Managers: Where They  Differ and  Agree on  TA Performance explores the results of  a research study into how HR recruiters’ opinions about the internal hiring process vary from opinions of the hiring managers. The survey included 339 hiring managers and 60 Human Resources practitioners surveyed on a variety of topics surrounding their perception of Talent Acquisition performance. The survey aims to understand how recruiters are responding to the increasing pressure to fill positions quickly, as well as how hiring managers view that response.
Key Takeaways:
 - Recruiters underestimate hiring manager satisfaction, consistently rating their perceptions of the process and hiring manager satisfaction lower than hiring managers themselves. While there is opportunity for even greater support, hiring managers feel the recruiting process works.
 - Responsibility for onboarding needs better definition. Hiring managers look to recruiters far more than recruiters look to themselves when making sure new employees have the tools needed to succeed.
 - There is frustration over the lack of applications presented for open positions, with low satisfaction scores from both sides. The continued tight labor market has made sourcing candidates an even greater priority.
 - Recruiter satisfaction with their Applicant Tracking Systems is only moderate, with  opportunities to improve across ATS capabilities.
Specific responses help illustrate the varying priorities seen between hiring managers and recruiters:
Overall, the survey revealed that that hiring managers feel the recruiting process works, but that a few tweaks could make it run more efficiently. Read the full report here to learn more about our detailed findings and how you can augment your recruiting process to work more efficiently.
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