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  • Lance Bagley, West Point Grad and Army Veteran, Delivers Keynote Address at Orion’s National Distinguished Candidate Conference

Lance Bagley, West Point graduate and former Army Infantry Officer, delivered the keynote address at Orion’s National Distinguished Candidate Conference, held in Atlanta on October 8th - 9th. Orion’s Distinguished Candidate Conferences are a unique two-day interview opportunity for military job seekers whose background, education, and military career distinguish themselves from their peers.

At the recent event in Atlanta, Lance Bagley offered some insights and advice for the attending distinguished candidates, including key observations on the job market, advice on how to secure a career and how to continue to succeed and excel in your current role.

“The current job market is hot and competitive,” Lance stated. “Therefore, it’s important to cultivate solid relationships and set goals for yourself,” he explained. Lance urged candidates to keep their resume on hand, because opportunities can arise when least expected. “Carry your resume everyday and everywhere that you go, and always be working on your resume,” Lance advised. “The people you meet on your journey matter, and you never know when an opportunity will present itself.”

He also reiterated the importance of the interview process, urging candidates to practice, make necessary adjustments, participate in mock interviews, and utilize the STAR format. “Companies need leaders. It’s your job to show them you have the skills they need,” Lance stated.

Lance offered advice for after securing a career, emphasizing the importance of the first 90 days. “Think about your first 90 days at your new job, because they are the most critical,” he said. “Be a team player, take care of yourself, and you will succeed in your new career.”

Lance also stressed the importance of always looking ahead for the next opportunity, urging the distinguished candidates in attendance to keep in mind the importance of reputation and networking. “Your reputation matters, and it stays with you,” Lance warned. “Make friends, keep names and numbers, because they are going to help you when you need it,” he advised.

Lastly, Lance concluded his address with a reminder to enjoy life. “Finally, have fun, because life is too short!”


Orion COO Tim Isacco presented Lance with a certificate of appreciation for presenting to our distinguished candidates.

The Atlanta DCC wrapped up our last one for the year. To find out more about our Distinguished Candidate Conferences and apply to be considered, click here.

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