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  • Who Ya Gonna Call? Orion Talent!
Ghouls, goblins, and ghosts! It’s that spooky time of the year when children and adults alike don a new and often scary persona to earn tricks or treats. You may open your door tonight to a few ghosts, and, at Orion, that’s where we like them -- at your door, not in your recruiting process.
Although the term originated in the dating world to indicate someone stopping all forms of communication without any warning, the term ghosting quickly became an alarming trend in the recruiting process. Ghosting can occur during all phases of the interview and onboarding process. And while the reasons behind this trend are many, the important issue is how to combat it. Read on for Orion’s best practices to combat this issue.

Our e-book, “Ghosting 101: How to Hire and Retain Talent Despite the New Normal” addresses this problem in depth. Tips include increasing the volume of candidates per opening to account for ghosts, increasing communication to include a three-pronged approach of text, email, and phone, abiding by market rates, and being easy to reach.

“We coach our recruiters to connect with candidates on more than a transactional  level,” explains Mike in the e-book, “It’s got to be more  than ‘I have a job, you should apply.’ Companies should make a genuine connection by communicating and  showing interest.” Download the e-book here to learn more.

Cory Kruse, President of Orion Novotus, an Orion Talent company, echoes this sentiment in his article on ghosting for Talent Economy. Cory explains that candor and engagement are key. Being upfront, maintaining engagement, closing the loop, and personalizing the process are all tips Cory gives. Check out his full article here to read more about applying these tips to your recruiting process.

This trend isn’t all bleak, though. Ghosting is a sign of a strong job market where job seekers have multiple opportunities. As such, it should also be viewed as an opportunity for companies to improve their candidate engagement. We invite you to access our resources and bust the ghosts before they haunt your office! Happy Halloween!
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