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  • How to Avoid Job Search Nightmares

With Halloween right around the corner, you may be starting to think about spooky movies, trick or treating, and things that go bump in the night. But there are some things you want to avoid, especially if you’re currently looking for a career. Here are some ways you can avoid job search nightmares this Halloween season.

Practice interviewing. Have you ever left an interview wishing you hadn’t said something? It can be embarrassing or frustrating, but there are ways to reduce the potential for an accidental gaffe while meeting with a potential employer. Before your next interview, check out our resource guide for interview essentials, including podcasts, videos, and more to help take your interviews to the next level.

Control your online presence. One of the biggest nightmares for the modern job seeker is losing out on an opportunity because of some skeleton in your social media closet. Companies are reviewing public social media content before extending offers, so make sure they don’t find anything that could make them decide you’re not a fit. Lock down your privacy measures and avoid posting content that could be controversial or embarrassing.

Focus on networking. For many people, networking is the nightmare they want to avoid. But it isn’t something you can skip. The more people you meet, the more possible opportunities you can have. LinkedIn is a perfect tool to use for networking, especially in these Covid times. Check out our podcast on how to leverage LinkedIn in your job search

Learn to negotiate. The negotiation process can be overwhelming, particularly for job seekers without a great deal of experience. Negotiating a fair and practical salary is a critical step in the job search process, and one that can be navigated smoothly if you know what to do - and what not to do. Use the Orion Team and our experience to gain the best possible offer. We have an established relationship with the company that we can leverage to ensure you are getting the best overall offer. Consult with us throughout the offer process and use our expertise to your advantage. Learn more about negotiating an offer.

Your job search doesn’t have to be scary! Orion is here to help from start to finish. If you’re ready to find your next career, create an account to get started.

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