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  • How to Handle Employer Ghosting

If you are a veteran looking for a career change or are transitioning from the military into the civilian workforce, you have more than likely heard the term “ghosting.” Ghosting, or stopping all forms of communication and contact with someone without any warning and for no apparent reason, is becoming an alarming trend in the corporate world.

While ghosting is very common among job seekers, it is becoming increasingly more prevalent on the employer side as well. 

What Is "Employer Ghosting"?

Employer ghosting happens when a hiring manager expresses interest in a job seeker, but never follows up during the hiring process. This can happen at any point - during the initial application, first interview, or even second interview.

Why Does Employer Ghosting Happen?

Most of the time, an employer ghosting an applicant is very innocent, and there is more than likely a reasonable explanation. Some examples of employer ghosting could be:

They had an unexpected budget change.

Especially now, many companies are experiencing shifts in budget, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The company may have restructured a few departments, and applicants could be falling through the cracks. They may be experiencing a hiring freeze, and the position could no longer be open.

They went in a different direction with hiring.

Many times, companies decide to hire a person for an open position from within. They may decide this while the job posting is still public, and while they are still accepting applications. 

They are experiencing organizational shifts due to COVID-19.

At the start of the pandemic, many companies had to pivot quickly, with companies shuttering offices and staff working remotely for the safety of their employees. This change may have led to hiring efforts put on pause, as hiring managers were focused on other aspects of their duties. 

Best practices for dealing with employer ghosting

It’s important to remember that it’s not the hiring managers’ intent to “blow off” interested applicants for open positions. Keep in mind the following tips for how to handle when a company goes dark:

DO...be respectful when communicating.

If you have not heard back during the application process, it is appropriate to reach out to the company or hiring manager for an update. However, throughout the job seeker process, it is important to always maintain a professional and polite attitude. When communicating with a hiring manager that is slow to respond within a reasonable time, be respectful and always thank them for their time and consideration. 

DO...be patient.

The job search process can take time, especially within the current job market climate. Give hiring managers time to review your application (think about the amount of time that you spent on resume writing, interview preparation, etc.!). 

DO...work with a Recruiter.

The best way to avoid employer ghosting is to work with a Recruiter. An Orion Talent Recruiter will have inside knowledge of any position that they present to you, and are in direct contact with the hiring manager that is looking to fill the position. Companies that work with Orion Talent are interested in hiring veterans, and are eager to fill the position in a specific time frame.  

DON'T...take it personally.

If you become a victim of employer ghosting, it’s important to not take the silence personally. More than likely, it has nothing to do with you. Keep moving forward in the job search process, and take the extra time to continue to hone your interview skills.

DON'T...ghost a company yourself.

Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind is to not ghost a company yourself, even if you have had it happen to you. Remember, ghosting can have a negative impact on your future career options, and maintaining a positive relationship with a hiring manager may come in handy the next time you are searching for a job.

Orion Talent drastically reduces the chances of a veteran job seeker becoming victim to employer ghosting. To help leverage your job search, register on our site to start the job search process and help get your resume in the hands of employers who are looking to hire veterans and transitioning military!

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