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  • How to Recruit Top IT Talent & Tech Candidates

Recruiting top tech talent is tough. Candidates with the right skills get scooped up fast, and many never even go on the market. Having a partner who has established connections with this talent can help companies gain an important competitive advantage. Recruiters like those at Orion Talent know where to find this talent and understand exactly what specific IT skills to look for. Tech recruitment experts can also help companies create an attractive employment brand that attracts the right IT talent. Read on to see how to attract this talent, how a recruiting firm can help, and how an IT recruiting firm finds its IT candidates.

How important is finding the right tech talent?

How important is having a great chef at a restaurant, a great surgeon at a hospital, or a great mechanic at a body shop? Very! Without the properly trained talent, companies that rely on these professions would fail with potentially catastrophic outcomes. And the same is true of recruiting top tech talent. Companies need talented men and women trained on the latest technology to innovate new products, safeguard company and consumer data, and ensure on-demand availability of system resources. Failure at any of these levels can be disastrous.

Ways for a Business to Attract IT Talent

Below are six strategies to implement when developing an Employer Brand attractive to IT talent:

  • Meet the market rate for salary, but consider the complete compensation package, including generous PTO, flexible schedules, etc.
  • Offer attractive career paths with ample opportunity for professional development.
  • Innovate with the technology you leverage as a company. Don’t stagnate and make sure to stay competitive.
  • Highlight how your brand is working to improve your community or the environment through a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program or some other initiative.
  • Keep it fun. While not everyone can have a staff chef, Orion Talent Director of Technical Recruiting Antonio Gonzalez suggests companies looking to hire top IT talent should “advocate for a more casual, collaborative workplace with a strong sense of community...”
  • Get involved in the local tech scene by sponsoring or sending a recruiter to workshops, forums, social events, etc.

How can a Recruitment Agency come in to help?

According to Justin Larsen, Director of Technical Recruiting at Orion Talent, working with an IT recruiting firm can benefit a company in many ways. First, he points out that an agency’s efforts don’t compete with your internal initiatives, but instead can complement them. This is in part true because the type of candidates you can expect from a tech recruiter will be different than your internal recruiter has access to.

Top IT talent usually will not apply on a company website or online job posting. Justin explains that these candidates are currently working and passively looking -- often expecting a good recruiter to contact them. These candidates are usually superstars at their current company. These candidates are tried, proven, and talented individuals that hit the ground running.

IT recruiting firms usually fill positions in 14 days due to their extensive networks of passive candidates, which in turn saves Hiring Managers and HR time and money. Additionally, engagement with an IT recruiter saves current employees from burnout, because they spend less time covering the extra workload from open positions.

How does a Recruitment Agency find IT Talent?

So how do IT recruiters find this top talent? Through hard work and relationship-building. Like Justin, IT recruiters interview every day, all day, and year-round and have a large network of passively-looking candidates. They build relationships with talent and ask for referrals. They may know of talented individuals who were part of a reduction in force (RIF) who are looking for a new role. Additionally, their placed candidates refer the recruiter to their peers.

Get Started with Orion Talent

As you can see, recruiting the right IT talent doesn’t just happen. You need a well-thought-out strategy or an experienced partner by your side. Orion Talent can be just that. We can help you with recruiting top tech talent who possess unmatched training and expertise on the world's most advanced systems, as well as proven leadership skills. Get started today and sign up for IT Recruiting.

Learn more about IT Professional Search:

Proven Search Solutions for Game Development
Proven Search Solutions for Computer, Software, and High Tech Positions
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