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  • How to Structure Your IT Department For Success

According to this Wall Street Journal article, IT budgets next year are expected to rise at the fastest rate in more than 10 years as businesses invest in technologies that give their organizations greater flexibility. With the investment in these technologies comes the need for talent that can support its implementation. Finding this talent and plugging them into an optimal IT department structure is integral to innovating new products, safeguarding company and consumer data, and ensuring on-demand availability of system resources.

How are most Information Technology Departments Structured?

IT departments are generally broken down are in three major groups:

  • Development - This includes App Development, Web Development, Business Intelligence, Reporting, and Database Development
  • Infrastructure - This includes anything Hardware related, as well as user support, and security when this function is not segmented into its own function.
  • Functional - This includes your Project Managers, Business Analysts, and Technical Writers.

How should corporate and startup companies differ in their approach?

Companies approach the structure of their IT department differently depending on what stage of life their business is in. There is no one ideal IT department structure, as it should be the one that facilitates a company’s growth. And, as the company grows, that structure can change.

For startups, day-to-day IT tasks are often left to whoever has the highest aptitude for that particular issue. Asset protection and IT security are usually outsourced at this level. It used to be that it wasn’t until a company became mid-sized that you would see someone with an IT title. But companies are quickly realizing that this support is key, even at the start-up level.

Larger, more established companies have entire IT departments with various functions and clearly defined roles. The roles support both the IT needs of the company and the customer.

How does the Agile framework impact traditional IT department organizations?

Software development teams leverage agile methodologies, including pair programming, test-driven development, stand-ups, planning sessions, and sprints to encourage collaboration and self-organizing, cross-functional, autonomous teams. This approach is squarely opposed to a more traditional framework. In traditional development, the team takes a clearly defined, linear approach where they methodically analyze, design, develop, and test software.

And while the principles of Agile software development are popular, according to Stacia Norman, Director of IT Recruiting at Orion Talent, it has not found its way into traditional IT departments. “I have found that many companies have accelerated application development using agile methods and standards, but it is still not common to apply agile methods and standards to IT infrastructure and operations. Most organizations focus on stability over speed. Infrastructure services still use a process involving hands-off and delays trying to avoid mishaps,” she explains.

What roles can be outsourced?

Outsourcing IT roles may be a function of a company's life stage or desire to fully staff an IT department. In either case, there are specific IT roles that can be outsourced to skilled professionals:

  • Help Desk
  • Cybersecurity
  • IT infrastructure
  • App development
  • Network Administrator
  • Software Developer
  • Software Tester
  • Security Analyst
  • Systems/Database Engineer

What roles need to be in-house

Tasks associated with automation, as well as those that are consistent and routine are best kept in-house. Alternatively, outsourcing should be considered for specific, highly-skilled, non-routine tasks completed by the roles above.

Find the Right IT Talent

Part of structuring an ideal IT department is staffing it with the right talent. Many employers are finding that they can't find the talent because the best IT candidates never apply online. Or their recruiting process lacks consistency, making it expensive and difficult to uncover the right talent for their complex IT positions. Or possibly their IT budget is increasing due to investment in new technologies, but they can't hire experienced talent fast enough to adapt to it.

Our solution to these hurdles? Consider partnering with an experienced IT Professional Search firm like Orion Talent that knows where to find sought-after talent. Whether you need to hire one CTO or 50 Front End Developers, Orion Talent can fill positions quickly due to our extensive networks of passive candidates.

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