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  • 7 Ways to Turn Winter Mehs into Winter Yays

Whether you call it the Winter Blues or Seasonal Affective Disorder, the short, cold days, and post-holiday letdown this time of year can lead to a serious case of the blahs, especially at work. And there’s science to backup these #feels. According to a Robert Half Accountemps survey of their employees, 38% said winter weather has a negative impact on their mood at work, and 26% cited January as the least happy month. Not surprisingly, the seven cities where workers most frequently give winter a thumbs-down are Pittsburgh, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, Boston, Indianapolis and Minneapolis.

There are, however, ways to combat the blues at work. From activities to decor, you can stay happy and productive with these tips:

1. Get Moving: Staffing Industry Analysts suggests one way to overcome a lack of energy in the winter is to take a walk or hit the gym and get your pump on.

2. Plan a Team Event: In her article on Monster, Caroline Levchuck suggests planning some team building events, like a bowling tournament or a corporate cooking class, since the office will have slowed down after the holidays.

3. Decorate with Greenery: Dwell, the magazine and digital design platform, suggests incorporating plants and living green walls into the office space because...science. They explain that plants are known to help increase our oxygen intake and can increase office productivity, as well as reduce stress and the number of sick days taken.

4. Eat and Drink Right: Skip the office birthday cake, donuts, and soda, and opt for nuts, fruits, and water. They won’t weigh down your mind or body.

5. Set Goals: One way out of the doldrums is to set an ambitious professional goal for yourself. Levchuck suggests pursuing a promotion or finishing up a neglected project.

6. Add Bright Colors: Dwell advises you cheer up your workspace with splashes of color like sunshine yellows, flamingo pinks, fire-engine reds, and baby blues. Start small with a rug or go bold and paint the stairs (if you own the office space)!

7. Keep the Human Connection: Small talk is an important part of the human experience, and Staffing Industry Analysts’ article suggests incorporating a working coffee or lunch with a colleague into your daily schedule.

Winter can be tough - the short days seem long, and you may feel more inclined to cuddle under a blanket rather than face the workday. But following the seven tips above can help turn that frown upside down. Now go get moving!

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