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  • Amy’s Not-So-Secret Sauce for Job Hunting: 7 Steps to Help You in Your Job Search

Today’s blog post is by Amy West, an Orion Talent Recruiting Team Leader and former Gas Turbine Electrician in the US Navy. Amy provides her “Not-So-Secret Sauce for Job Hunting” in seven easy steps.  

Let’s face it: job hunting can be extremely challenging, especially if you find yourself on the job market without a strategy for a successful job hunt. Applying to endless postings on job search platforms can feel overwhelming, and many job seekers struggle with knowing where to even begin their search. Despite having soft skills in high demand, rock solid technical skills, and top tier education under our belts, many of us feel lost when the time comes to look elsewhere – whether due to downsizing, needing a change of pace, or the countless factors that can bring us to the job market.  

My own spouse recently found himself unexpectedly on the job market after his employer lost a key government contract and came to me for advice after trying to search on his own and coming up empty – he was applying to jobs without receiving call backs or was only receiving interview requests from companies he knew weren’t a good fit. And this was despite having a stellar technical resume amidst the well-known talent shortage plaguing America’s employers since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Job hunting doesn’t have to be the stressful, overwhelming ordeal it often is for many people – and when my spouse came to me for advice, as a recruiter by trade, I rattled off the 7-step job hunting strategy I share with candidates who work with me. Surprisingly to me, it blew his mind and reminded me that job search strategies aren’t necessarily common topics of conversation to those outside the recruiting industry – so, of course, I want to share them with you to provide a framework for all the stressed-out job seekers of the world to find the right opportunity in the right industry.  

We spend a good chunk of our lives at work, and it should be purposeful, fulfilling, and bring us joy. Bruce Lee, the famous martial artist once said, “Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it.” – this is a framework upon which you can build, edit, add to, and delete from. Take what works, leave what doesn’t, and happy job hunting. Let me know how it works for you.  

Amy’s Not-So-Secret Sauce for Job Hunting - 7 Steps

Get organized.

Make a spreadsheet for your job search and track every company you apply to, date you applied, interviews, points of contact, etc. Tracking every application will help you stay on task and allow you to see trends in your application process. Your spreadsheet will also help you with another crucial step – follow-ups!   

Research yourself and the industries you want to work in.

Sit down and think about your strengths, professional skill set, and areas of expertise. Intentionally research companies in those industries and concentrated interests. Don't wildly apply for any position; take the time to create a well-planned, area of focus so you can apply for positions with purpose. 

Connect with recruiters who recruit for companies in the industries you are targeting.

Why do it all on your own if you don't have to? Recruiting companies like Orion Talent are here to help you in the job search process, from resume writing, interview preparation, salary negotiation, and more. Plus, Orion Talent has access to positions with companies that are actively seeking your specific skill set and background. Working with a recruiter gives you a chance to get your foot in the door and not be just another faceless resume on HR’s desk. 

Apply to 10 jobs a day between LinkedIn, Indeed, and company websites.

One of the hardest parts of the job search process is the sheer number of open positions that are available that you feel that you should be applying to! This is why a targeted list is so important. Set a goal to apply to ten jobs a day between LinkedIn, job posting platform sites, and company websites. This will help you to keep your job search momentum going without feeling bogged down or overwhelmed. 

Send out messages.

Once you’ve applied for those ten positions, search for those companies on LinkedIn on the SAME DAY, find their recruiters, and send them a polite inmail/connection request saying that you applied and are interested in learning more about the company. Your message doesn’t have to be long, but it does need to be cordial. Once sent, don’t continually message them – one follow-up will suffice. 

Update your spreadsheet daily and follow-up.

People are busy! Follow-up with any contacts that you reached out to. Following up shows that you care and are genuinely interested their organization. Keep your spreadsheet updated so you can stay on track on who you need to follow-up with. 

Send thank you-notes after every interview.

Thank you notes really do set you apart from the crowd. Read how to write a thank you note or email after an interview, view a sample note, and what makes a great thank you note

Orion Talent can help your job search

Utilizing Amy’s tips to find a job and Orion’s own services will help you jumpstart your career search tremendously. For more insight from the Recruiting team here at Orion, check out our blog posts on Civilian Salary Guide for Junior Military OfficersMost Common Civilian Jobs for Junior Military Officers by MOSPMP Certification, and How to Succeed in Business Consulting. Register with us today or reach out to Amy to leverage our job search expertise to help you find a meaningful career.

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