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  • Diversity & Inclusion Resumes: Highlighting Cultural Diversity

In recent years, there has been a powerful push for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The world is made up of many different people, and each person brings their own special talents and qualities to the workplace. 

As companies understand the value of creating a work environment that is unique and where everyone can contribute, it’s important for those applying to jobs to make it clear that they also believe in creating an inclusive workplace, as well. 

One of the best places to start is your resume. Highlighting your allyship with DEI initiatives or celebrating your own cultural diversity is a great way to stand out in the talent pool.

What do Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Actually Mean in the Workplace?

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is a term most often used in regard to the workplace and/or a diverse workforce. It is a policy or practice designed to create a welcoming environment for employees of various backgrounds, one that respects and accommodates every employee.  

A focus on DEI in the workplace is beneficial for companies. With acquiring talent becoming more and more competitive, a DEI initiative allows for an expanded applicant base for potential employees. 

DEI also allows for a fresh perspective on thoughts and ideas. By creating a workplace environment that is willing to shift mindsets, behaviors, and practices, company culture becomes more inclusive, resulting in healthy growth as an organization.

The Value of a Resume that Speaks to Cultural Diversity

There is a huge benefit in focusing on DEI when crafting your resume. DEI initiatives are important to employers. A resume that highlights your passion for DEI or your own cultural diversity sets you apart from other applicants. In addition, a resume that speaks to your own cultural diversity is a celebration and a true reflection of you as an individual. It also accurately represents you to an employer, helping you to find a company that is a perfect fit.

How to Add Diversity & Inclusion in Your Resume

The first step in highlighting diversity and inclusion in your resume is to make sure that you have a solid foundation to start. Visit our resume hub to get your resume in stellar shape. Once you’ve established a solid professional resume, it’s easy to add elements that showcase your own DEI journey.

Don’t undersell your skills.

Remember that you are unique and bring a specific set of skills and talents to a workplace - this mindset is the reason why DEI is celebrated! Don’t downplay your achievements or skills. Be proud of the differences and individuality and display them prominently on your resume.

Include experience that reflects your involvement with diversity causes.

If you’ve ever done volunteer work, fundraising for advocacy groups, or been part of a group that promotes cultural diversity, put it on your resume. This shows employers what interests you outside of the role and what matters to you as an individual. It also shows that you care about diversity and inclusion outside of the workplace. 

Use the right keywords.

One of the hardest things about applying to jobs is getting your resume past automated resume screening software. In our recent blog post Automated Resume Screening Software: How It Works, we outlined that one of the best ways to make sure your resume gets seen is to add keywords, and the same practice applies here. 

Don’t be afraid to add specific keywords to your resume if you’re comfortable doing so. Are you part of the LBGTQIA+ community? Are you multilingual? Are you a woman in the tech industry? By adding these specific keywords, you are celebrating your diversity and what you can contribute to an organization.

Highlight work you’ve done as part of diverse teams.

Many companies have established committees to help propel diversity and inclusion forward within the company. If you’ve ever been on such a committee or done work in this area, it would be a good idea to add it to your resume and outline your accomplishments.

Use inclusive language.

Inclusive language avoids expressions that are considered sexist, racist, or otherwise biased, prejudiced, or denigrating to any particular group of people. In your resume, take care to make sure you are not gendering certain roles (i.e. “manned”), and consider adding your personal pronouns.

Highlight diverse viewpoints and opinions.

The ability to accept and respect the opinions of others is fundamental in diversity and inclusion. Perhaps you sought out feedback from others around you and took those ideas into account to influence a decision. If you can recall an instance where different opinions informed your decision in a positive way, highlight this skill on your resume. 

Put your Diversity & Inclusion Resume to Work

The goal of a diversity and inclusion resume is to show potential employers that you are part of the solution to champion DEI initiatives and that you work or will work to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. By utilizing and outlining the tips above on your resume, you are setting yourself apart as a candidate, making yourself a desirable hire.

If you’re not sure where to start or could use a little help along the way building a more diverse workforce, developing a diversity hiring strategy, or connecting with diversity candidates, be sure to check out Orion Talent’s HirePurpose™ Diversity Sourcing and Talent Attraction Solution. We connect industry-leading companies with diverse job seekers desiring an inclusive workplace while helping our clients build a culture where all employees can bring their authentic selves to work each day. 


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