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  • What is Rage Applying? Is it Effective?

Like quiet quitting and quiet firing, “rage applying” has become the new workplace trend, gaining popularity on social media channels - scroll through CareerTok on TikTok, and you’re bound to come into contact with this buzzword on your For You page. But what does rage applying entail, and can it actually help you find a better career?

What is “rage applying?” 

Rage applying is a term used to describe the practice of applying for numerous jobs in a short amount of time, often with little to no consideration of job qualifications or fit. Like the term implies, rage applying happens when an employee is frustrated, burned out, or upset with their current position. 

While the term is relatively new, rage applying has always been around. However, with the advent of “quick apply” applications, rage applying is now easier than ever. 

Does rage applying actually work?

If you feel the urge to rage apply, don’t expect to achieve great results. While rage applying does cast a wide net, this approach rarely works. It’s important as a job seeker to be intentional and methodical in your job search, seeking out positions that not only align with your career goals, experience, and preferences, but also taking into consideration the whole picture - the company, position, team, salary, benefits, etc. - something that a quick, rage apply does not accomplish. You don’t want to rage apply for one position only to end up with another work environment where you are just as unhappy as the first, continuing the cycle of rage applying! 

Another drawback to this trend is that it has the potential to be a waste of your time and resources. By quickly applying to a number of positions without tailoring your resume and cover letter, you aren’t building a case for helping yourself stand out, and not presenting yourself in the best light. 

However, there are a few benefits to rage applying. The practice does help you to keep your options open, allowing 

for many different opportunities to be open for you at once. In addition, rage applying can help job seekers with imposter syndrome by keeping you from doubting your qualifications for a potential role.

What can you do instead of rage applying?

If you feel the need to rage apply, don’t expect to feel particularly soothed or calm after submitting applications - rage applying can actually make you feel even more burnt out and create even more negativity in your current role. Instead, take a moment to reflect on where the feelings of anger stem from. Did you just have a bad day at work, or does it truly stem from a toxic work environment? 

If the answer is due to a need for a career change, start to plan for a productive job search. Take time to focus on what you want in your professional development, talk through grievances with your colleagues and mentors, and determine if you need or want to move on professionally. 

The most important thing is to not let anger dictate your job search. If you’re ready to move on, use your motivation to start crafting your resume, work on perfecting your interview skills, and land your dream job.

If you are looking for a new career, Orion Talent helps professionals and veterans find the best job opportunities across every industry. Find out more about our services and register with us today to get started.

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