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  • 7 Myths About Working with a Military Recruiter

As a military job seeker, chances are you've been cautioned not to work with a military recruiter. There are many articles online that tell you that you'll have plenty of opportunities on your own, recruiters are motivated by personal gain rather than your success, and the list goes on.  

In this blog post, we break down the misconceptions about working with a military recruiting firm by addressing these issues head on. From myths about pay, opportunities, and more, read on to find out how Orion is different, and has your best interests at heart. 

Someone with military experience doesn't need to work with a military recruiter.

About 200,000 veterans transition into the civilian workforce each year, many with similar skillsets, who may look the same on paper to a civilian hiring manager. How do you stand out and not become just a resume in a stack? Military recruiters have the inside track with hiring managers to make sure an interview can happen. A military recruiting company works two-fold: they take the time to educate private sector companies, translating military experience into civilian understanding, while also helping prepare candidates for interviews and job offers. Read more about the difference between military recruiters and headhunters. A military recruiting company works two-fold: they take the time to educate private sector companies, translating military experience into civilian understanding, while also helping prepare candidates for interviews and job offers. 

You're wasting your time - you can do everything a military recruiter can do.

Any time that you invest in your job search is time well spent and is one of the best things you can do. Orion works with a variety of companies across a wide range of industries, from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses. Orion has relationships with hiring managers who are looking to hire veterans now, and can turn what could potentially be a months-long job search into just weeks! 

Military recruiters make you sign an agreement of exclusivity.

Orion does not make you sign anything. We want you to be successful in your search for a new career, and not limit your options. Orion believes strongly in not limiting your job search by signing an exclusivity agreement.  It is one of our founding principles. 

They didn't help me, so they won't be able to help you.

We try our best to help candidates prepare for their interviews, but if you don't adequately prepare yourself, your chances of finding a job diminish. Orion offers an abundance of transition resources to help candidates prepare for their military-to-civilian transition, including interview basics, interview preparation, and even tips for after the interview. In addition, Orion recruiters are ready to help with mock interviews, resume guidance, and additional insider tips that you cannot get outside of a military recruiting firm. 

Military recruiters aren't going to offer you jobs that will pay what you're worth.

The positions that Orion offers are above market value. However, the level of pay depends on other factors, none of which have to do with working with a recruiter.  Compensation depends on what the individual candidate brings to the table. Depending on your job or level or responsibility in the military, your pay will reflect that in the private sector. The options and level of pay will not be as wide for someone who did not take the hard jobs, didn't volunteer, etc. in the military. 

Military recruiters don't have your best interests in mind; they will only force you into the jobs that they want you to take.

A candidate needs to know what they are looking for in a civilian career. Military recruiters try to guide, mentor, and coach veterans who are unsure into positions that are the best fit for them. Orion's military recruiters are not motivated by commission only, and are provided a competitive base salary. 

If a military recruiter gets you a job, it will be for lower pay because they get the difference.

This is perhaps the most popular myth and comes from not being educated on how the process works and the relationship between the candidates, clients, and recruiters. The fee that is paid to Orion for our services comes from the company and never from the candidate. The misnomer out there that a "cut" is taken comes from a misunderstanding of the tiered fee structure. Fees are paid as a reflection of the difficulty of sourcing that role, meaning that a fee directly correlates to the level of salary, but it is never out of the salary. All candidates still receive their full salary.  

Orion is not your typical military recruiting firm.

Working with Orion Talent is different from a typical recruiting firm. We are in the business of helping you find your best career after the military and we take our job seriously! If you are ready to work with Orion to find your next career, register now

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