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  • 5 Simple Ways Leaders Can Start the New Year Strong After the Holidays

As we stand at the threshold of a new year, it’s a great time for leaders to evaluate and fine-tune their goals. Now is the moment to make a strong start with our teams after the successes and challenges of the previous year. Here are 5 simple ways leaders can start the New Year strong after the holidays:

Embrace the Fresh Start: Strategies for Personal and Team Excellence

Returning from the holiday season, leaders often face the challenge of reigniting their teams. These personal and professional strategies will help you hit the ground running, making 2024 the best year yet for your team.

1. Evaluate Your Leadership Style

Understanding your leadership style empowers you to leverage your strengths and identify areas for improvement. Leadership styles, such as transformational, delegation, authoritative, transactional, participative, and servant leadership, reflect and shape the methods and behaviors you employ to motivate your team. Take a moment to reflect on your leadership style – is it serving you well?

2. Set SMART Goals

Setting goals for the new year fosters personal growth and professional success. Demonstrate your commitment to personal development by setting clear personal goals. Choose one or two areas to improve, establish SMART goals, and monitor your progress. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound; they can help you stay focused and achieve your goals.  It may be useful to establish a vision for the year by creating a vision board with emotionally resonant images representing personal or professional goals.

3. Be Open to New Ideas and Build Trust

Adaptability is key for leaders. Embrace new ideas to foster innovation, and actively listen to team members. Cultivate open and respectful communication, enhancing company culture, promoting creativity, diverse thinking, and better decision-making. It’s important to recognize the value team members bring to the table, learn from them, and recognize employees for good work or contributing new ideas. Your team wants to feel respected and appreciated. Positive reinforcement boosts confidence and spending one-on-one time with team members fosters trust and builds rapport.  

4. Optimize Team Dynamics by Focusing on Shared Purpose

Leaders play a pivotal role in aligning their teams with the company’s shared purpose, mission, and values. This alignment encourages strong communication, respect, transparency, and accountability – a cohesive force binding the team together.

5. Schedule Time for Wellness

Prioritize your health by scheduling medical checkups early in the year, making time for exercise, and eating a balanced diet. Ensure your team is aware of company wellness policies and encourage your team to practice a healthy work-life balance.  If your team sees you utilizing your PTO and not working overtime on a regular basis, they’re more likely to do the same. 

A New Year and a New You

As you implement these strategies, you’ll lay the foundation for a year of growth. When leaders actively optimize team dynamics and cultivate a sense of belonging, they poise their teams for success. May this year be an opportunity for your personal and professional goals to align. Good luck on your leadership journey!

Headquartered in Cary, North Carolina, Orion Talent helps companies fill one to 100,000 roles with the right people and the right solution, powered by a diversity-rich network of highly sought-after candidates. Orion’s design-led solutions include RPO, Military Hiring, HirePurpose® Diversity Sourcing & Talent Attraction, and HireSkills® Workforce Planning & Development. For more information, visit https://www.oriontalent.com/.

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