Paying “Market Average”? Time to Reevaluate your Compensation Strategy

2/28/2019 8:59:37 AM

In his guest post, Dave Lehmkuhl, Regional Manager at Orion Talent, explores why companies should reevaluate paying “market average” salaries in order to recruit top talent.

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Careers for Veterans with DECO

2/26/2019 9:42:02 AM

Orion has recently partnered with DECO, a privately held, global provider of law enforcement, military training, security solutions, and specialized technical services to government clients throughout the world. Over the past 31 years, DECO has grown from three employees and a handful of clients, to more than 2,200 professionals operating in unison across 75 countries.

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Bad Hiring Decisions - Why are they made, and what can be done? [WATCH THE PANEL DISCUSSION]

2/14/2019 8:24:28 AM

High turnover rate has been a growing issue among businesses, and recently became the topic of discussion on the webinar: Why are bad hiring decisions made, and what can be done?

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Job Seeker Resources for Transitioning Military and Veterans

2/12/2019 11:16:34 AM

With nearly 200,000 service members transitioning out of the military every year, companies and organizations realize the importance of helping veterans find civilian jobs.

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Mike Starich and Barbara Humpton Write about How to Improve Veteran Recruiting for

2/7/2019 10:15:49 AM recently featured an article co-authored by Mike Starich, CEO of Orion Talent, and Barbara Humpton, CEO of Siemens USA, titled “Accelerating and Improving Veteran Hiring.” Starich and Humpton are well suited to this topic as both practitioners and thought leaders in the field of veteran recruiting.

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What Are “Soft Skills?”

2/5/2019 11:43:18 AM

If you are transitioning from the military and looking for a civilian career, you’ve probably heard the phrase “soft skills” to describe the unique qualities that you possess that companies are looking for. But what are “soft skills?”

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