Talent Insider
Friday, May 1, 2020
In This Issue
Keep Your Hiring Process Moving with Virtual Interviews
From Marine to Beauty Queen: One Veteran’s Search for a Meaningful Life
INFOGRAPHIC - Reduce Your Recruiting Costs With RPO
Orion Novotus Wins ClearlyRated’s 2020 Best of RPO Award
Keep Your Hiring Process Moving with Virtual Interviews
From Marine to Beauty Queen: One Veteran’s Search for a Meaningful Life
Marine, Police Officer, Account Manager, Pageant Contestant, and Philanthropist - these are a few of the titles Orion alumna Melissa Matis has had throughout her career. A life of contrast, Melissa has continuously sought to fulfill her sense of duty while using her experience and platform to shed light on the mental health of the veteran community and opening doors for female veterans.
Melissa enlisted in the Marine Corps nine days after the attacks on 9/11. She was meritoriously promoted after boot camp and graduated as a squad leader in October 2002. Melissa served as an Avionics Technician (6324) at Scarface: HMLA 367 and deployed with the unit to Al Taqqadum, Iraq in August 2004 – April 2005 and was promoted to Corporal (E-4) during deployment. She was also in Iraq during Operation Phantom Fury.
When she was promoted to Sergeant (E-5), Melissa decided to re-enlist and make a lateral move to administration (0151) in order to take an A Billet (support) for a recruiting headquarters in Denver, Colorado. She won A Billet of the year and received a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal in 2009.
It was at this point that Melissa thought she would separate from the military, but life had other plans. After buying a townhome right outside of Denver with the intention of separating after her enlistment was satisfied in 2010, her SNCOIC had submitted a package on her behalf for a position in Quantico, VA, at Headquarters Marine Corps at Officer Assignments, where she served at Headquarters from 2010 - 2012.
In 2012, Melissa separated and began to have an identity crisis. “When I was an active duty Marine, that was my identity. When someone asked me what I did for work, I did not respond with my MOS. My response was, ‘I am a Marine.’” recalls Melissa. For Melissa, being a Marine was a statement, not a job. It was her identity, so when she separated from the Marine Corps after 10 years of service (more than one-third of her life at that point), she felt lost and struggled to find purpose and meaning outside of the uniform.
While pursuing an undergrad in Aeronautical Sciences and maintaining a career as a police officer, Melissa realized that, while fulfilling, she no longer desired to be a part of the dangerous aspects of the job. It was at this point, six years ago, that Melissa reached out to Orion Talent, where she attended a Baltimore Hiring Conference leading to a career with Thomas & Betts as a Sales Engineer.
“I was competing against degreed electrical engineers who were far more qualified for the position. After joining the team, my mentor and cubicle-mate bluntly told me, ‘You were not the most qualified for this position, but we like you, we like your background, and because of that, we will teach you what we want you to know,’” explains Melissa, “The team I worked with was technically proficient and shared with me that my technical background translated to what they needed and the fact that the military instilled a confidence for public speaking helped me land the position.”
This confidence even led her boss to ask Melissa to cover for him as a speaker at the North American Expert Week in Montreal, Canada. During her four years in that position, she was promoted to Account Development Manager and managed a rep channel that covered 16 states. In 2018, she started a position with ABB, Inc (parent company of Thomas & Betts). She now manages one of the company’s largest global accounts on the US side, as the US Power Grids OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Account Manager responsible for the GE (General Electric) Account, and is involved with international projects.
It was at this point that the Pageant Winner turned Marine turned Police Officer turned Corporate Professional decided to go back to her roots and participate in another pageant, Miss Virginia for America, with the aim of spotlighting female veterans. Calling them “the most visible service members but the most invisible veterans”, Melissa initially wanted to focus on females because, due to the ratio of men to women in the military, females are the most visible service members (When she was in Iraq, they had approximately 300 marines and sailors attached to the squadron, and only 11 were females). “Then they become the most invisible veterans. Women veterans typically have different social and psychological experiences than women who are private citizens. Due to some cultural expectations of women, women leaving the military with strong leadership skills may not be as well-received in the civilian sector,” reveals Melissa.
But she soon decided to include all veterans in her platform of Hiring Our Heroes. The military encourages a direct communication style that many civilian workplaces don’t grasp as well as a military command. Many veterans, both men and women, have shared with Melissa how they need to change their communication style when becoming civilians. She also explains that many veterans feel isolated during a transition into the civilian world. “So many veterans, both men and women, aren’t aware of the resources available to them. I would love to see better transition programs for military members considering separating from the military,” states Melissa.
“So many veterans transition to civilian life and struggle with finding their purpose and their identity outside the uniform. I struggled with that depression after my 10 years in the Marines,” says Melissa, “If I go on to win Miss Virginia for America and compete on the national stage for Miss for America, I will bring further awareness and champion creating resources for veterans transitioning into the civilian world.”

In addition to her veteran causes, Melissa also works with Samaritan House, a nonprofit that provides social services including emergency housing to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and those at risk of losing their homes. She also works with The Virginia Gentlemen Foundation, an organization that champions research efforts to cure ALS, and built Camp Grom and Grommet Island for Gold Star Families, Wounded Warriors and adults and children with differing abilities.
INFOGRAPHIC - Reduce Your Recruiting Costs With RPO
Are you spending too much time and money on turnover and hiring new employees? Recruitment costs are draining more than just your budget. Resources used from other areas of the company, onboarding and development, quality of talent, and internal employees are all negatively impacted when recruitment costs climb.
Check out our new infographic below to learn how recruiting costs are negatively affecting your business, and learn how Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) through Orion Novotus has resulted in reductions in recruitment costs for our customers.
Orion Novotus Wins ClearlyRated’s 2020 Best of RPO Award
“Now more than ever, providing a consistently remarkable client experience is critical for RPO providers,” said ClearlyRated’s CEO Eric Gregg. "All RPO providers attempt to deliver great service - Best of RPO winners have proven it. I couldn't be more proud to showcase these service leaders alongside feedback from their actual clients, on ClearlyRated.com and applaud them for their commitment to service excellence at their respective firms!”
Podcast Series for Employers
Call To Order, a weekly podcast from Orion Talent, features an Army veteran discussing a variety of recruiting trends and the value veterans bring to the civilian business world.
Join Dave Lehmkuhl as he calls this meeting to order and reveals how military recruiting can transform your business.
Stay up to date with our latest episodes:
Hiring Veterans into Sales Roles
Leadership Development Programs - Best Practices for Building a Successful Program
Rich Cardona - Journey from JMO to Entrepreneur
A Candidate's Military Rank vs Your Open Position
JMO Hiring Ideas and Practices
Visit us online to listen to all the episodes, and read more about Dave. You can also subscribe via your favorite podcast platform or RSS feed, to automatically receive new episodes as they are released.
Military Hiring Conferences
Interview Junior Military Officers, Noncommissioned Officers and Enlisted Technicians Recruited for your Hiring Needs
An Orion Hiring Conference is your chance to interview the best military job seekers, selected specifically for your open positions. You will be presented with pre-screened, qualified and suitably matched veterans that are interested in your available opportunities. Click on the dates below to learn more about our upcoming hiring conferences.
Orion Talent is closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and continues to observe and comply with CDC recommendations. Orion management is meeting regularly to review the conditions inside the US to determine the risk level to Orion's employees, candidates, and clients, whose safety is our utmost priority.
We realize there is a great deal of uncertainty surrounding what's to come with this COVID-19 strain of the coronavirus. With that said, we are currently evaluating our Hiring Conference schedule and will make adjustments as needed for the safety of all attendees.
- The San Diego, CA event will now be virtual on Monday, April 20, 2020.
- The Atlanta, GA event for Military Technicians will now be virtual on Monday, April 20, 2020 and Tuesday, April 21, 2020.
- The Atlanta, GA Distinguished Candidate Conference will now be virtual on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 through Friday, April 24, 2020.
- The Dallas, TX event will now be virtual on Monday, May 4, 2020.
- The Seattle, WA event will now be virtual on Wednesday, May 6, 2020 through Friday, May 8, 2020.
- The Columbia, SC event will now be virtual on Thursday, May 13, 2020 and Friday, May 14, 2020.
- The Chicago, IL event will now be virtual on Monday, May 18, 2020.
- The Houston, TX event will now be virtual on Monday, May 18, 2020.
- The Philadelphia, PA event for Military Technicians will now be virtual on Monday, May 11, 2020 through Wednesday, May 15, 2020.
- The Philadelphia, PA Distinguished Candidate Conference event will now be virtual on Monday, May 18, 2020 through Wednesday, May 22, 2020.
Click here for more information.
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South Central
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According to our Clients
Refer a Military Job Seeker or Client Company to Orion
If you would like the chance to win a $50 gift card, enter into our monthly drawings for Client referrals and Job Seeker referrals. If your referral results in a hire, you will personally receive a $100 gift card as our way of saying thank you. As always, we will maintain your privacy and never share your information nor that of your referral. That's one entry for each referral that you submit - good luck and thank you for the referral!
Darrell Bostic won the Job Seeker Referral monthly drawing
and is the winner of a $50 gift card.
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