Wednesday, July 1, 2020
In This Issue
Leading Through Crisis - Steps to Take & Questions to Ask
Interactive Quiz: Is RPO Right For You?
A Nuclear Machinist's Mate Does What?
Podcast Series for Employers
Military Hiring Conferences
According to our Clients
Refer a Military Job Seeker or Client Company to Orion
Connect with Orion
Leading Through Crisis - Steps to Take & Questions to Ask
John F. Kennedy is quoted as famously saying, “When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.” Whether linguistically true or not, the notion is an interesting one. And one that is being put to the test at companies across America as Covid-19 wreaks a heavy toll. Leading through crisis takes a special eye for the opportunities that may be present to build a stronger team, all while acknowledging the damage done. To explore how to lead during this unprecedented time, let’s see what the experts have to say.
Coleman Ruiz, a trainer, educator, writer, and USNA graduate, recently wrote “
10 Things to Keep in Mind in a Crisis.” As the title illustrates, he provides ten key things that leaders should focus on in a crisis. A few of our favorites include:
- Be patient in making decisions, yet quick, hyper-efficient, and focused, in execution
- More than ever, stick to your process over end-state. You must be prepared to move the finish line.
- Work to be much more horizontally aware, and/or horizontally collaborative.
- Use pre-mortems and after-action-reviews and consider the “Most Likely Course of Action” and “Most Dangerous Course of Action.”
Another resource on this topic is
this recent article by David Benjamin and David Komlos. In “The Coronavirus Is A Defining Moment For Your Company. Here Are Questions You Should Be Asking”, the authors echo many of the tips Ruiz supplies, expounding on them in terms of the evolving chaos crisis. To this, they add that “Great leaders know how to ask great questions.” For Benjamin and Komlos, great questions do the following:
- Engage all the right people and catalyze great conversations,
- Give boundaries to the challenge without biasing or unnecessarily constraining the answers,
- Call for action, name those who will act, and convey a sense of urgency for action and results,
- Set an aspirational stretch goal that is within reach, but only if things change.
These great questions, they say, “will generate momentum, trust and excitement out of the chaos that is otherwise overwhelming everyone right now.”
Now is the time to lead with transparency, determination, decisiveness, and collaboration, by asking the right questions and taking the right steps. Both of these articles provide deep and even unexpected insight into leading during a crisis. While the cost of a crisis is vast, so is the opportunity to move forward with resolve.
Interactive Quiz: Is RPO Right For You?
Successful recruiting costs your business assets like people, time, and money. In the uncertainty of today’s economic climate, planning for your current and future TA needs presents unprecedented challenges.
To help provide clarity as you think about what the future of recruiting may look like for your company, we have created an
interactive quiz that allows you to input your hiring goals and recruiting practices to identify whether
Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) may be worth considering for your business.
Our multiple-choice quiz will ask questions about your hiring goals, plans for achieving them, and how to decide what candidate sources and metrics are the most important for your organization. In 2-3 minutes, you’ll be able to determine if enterprise RPO makes sense for your organization as a strategic business move.
Regardless of whether enterprise RPO is right for you, we’ll provide access to specific tools and free resources to start improving your recruiting efficiency that best align with your current and projected needs.
A Nuclear Machinist's Mate Does What?
Perhaps you know that hiring veterans is a smart decision, but maybe you don’t know quite how to apply their skills. Then Mike’s article is for you. Broken down by various industries, Mike lays out the relevant skills veterans bring to the table. He even provides military occupations that translate well.
For example, in Construction, Mike writes that “Veterans can also utilize their technical degrees and experience in driving timelines, resources, and manpower for a wide variety of roles in construction. Including Project Manager, Superintendent, Estimator, Project Foreman, Quality Inspector, Project Engineer, and Construction Manager.”
Not sure who to look for? He suggests military candidates with the titles of, “...1st or 2nd Lieutenant, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Captain, Navy Nuclear Trained Technician (Nuke ETs, Nuke EMs, Nuke MMs) - as well as those with backgrounds in Supply, Logistics and Combat Arms.”
Read Mike’s article to learn more about how veterans’ skills translate into Manufacturing, Sales, Medical Devices, and more.
In line with Mike’s article, points out that “As businesses look to restructure and recover from the impact of the coronavirus crisis, there’s one group that’s uniquely qualified to do the job: our veteran workforce.” They list three reasons to hire veterans right now:
- Veterans have the qualities companies need to rebuild in challenging times
- Veterans are highly trained for the jobs most in-demand right now
- Veterans and military spouses are uniquely positioned for remote and WFH work
Bob Berkholz, Recruiting Manager at Orion Talent, also provides similar military occupation translation input in this article. “Not only do veterans have the skill sets gained from the hands-on experience in the military, but they often also have fantastic leadership abilities, especially compared to their civilian counterparts,” he says. “Veterans can step into any corporation as we come out of the coronavirus and really be impact players.”
If you are considering hiring veterans, but are not sure what kind of role they can play in your company, we invite you to read these two articles. And then
contact us to get started recruiting this talented workforce!
Podcast Series for Employers

Call To Order, a weekly podcast from Orion Talent, features an Army veteran discussing a variety of recruiting trends and the value veterans bring to the civilian business world.
Join Dave Lehmkuhl as he calls this meeting to order and reveals how military recruiting can transform your business.
Stay up to date with our latest episodes:
Hiring Veterans into Sales Roles
Leadership Development Programs - Best Practices for Building a Successful Program
Rich Cardona - Journey from JMO to Entrepreneur
A Candidate's Military Rank vs Your Open Position
JMO Hiring Ideas and Practices
Visit us online to listen to all the episodes, and read more about Dave. You can also subscribe via your favorite podcast platform or RSS feed, to automatically receive new episodes as they are released.
Military Hiring Conferences

Interview Junior Military Officers, Noncommissioned Officers and Enlisted Technicians Recruited for your Hiring Needs
An Orion Hiring Conference is your chance to interview the best military job seekers, selected specifically for your open positions. You will be presented with pre-screened, qualified and suitably matched veterans that are interested in your available opportunities. Click on the dates below to learn more about our upcoming hiring conferences.
At this time, we are offering both virtual and in-person Hiring Conference events. If you are interested in a virtual event, we are happy to coordinate a Hiring Conference event based on your time frame.

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South Central

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According to our Clients

Refer a Military Job Seeker or Client Company to Orion

If you would like the chance to win a $50 gift card, enter into our monthly drawings for Client referrals and Job Seeker referrals. If your referral results in a hire, you will personally receive a $100 gift card as our way of saying thank you. As always, we will maintain your privacy and never share your information nor that of your referral. That's one entry for each referral that you submit - good luck and thank you for the referral!
Keisha Jackson won the Job Seeker Referral monthly drawing
and is the winner of a $50 gift card.
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