How To Write A Thank You Note or Email After An Interview

Thank you notes are always appropriate, and we recommend sending them to everyone you interview with.

They show that you are a professional and appreciate an interviewer's time. A thank you note also provides the perfect opportunity to reiterate your desire to work for that particular company.

How To Write A Thank You Note or Email After An Interview

Do I really need to write a thank you letter after an interview?

Thank you notes are a great way to set yourself apart during the interview process. This is perhaps one of the most commonly overlooked steps, but taking the time to write a concise thank you note can turn you from a potential hire into a definite hire.

Writing a thank you note is a simple step that has a big impact on your hiring potential. They are appropriate in any interview situation, and it is recommended that you send a separate and unique thank you to each person with whom you interview.

A thank you note works two-fold - it helps the hiring manager(s) to remember you and brings your name to the forefront of their mind, and also comes across as a very polite and professional step.

A thank you note also gives you an opportunity to reiterate points you made during your interview, allowing you to strongly highlight a certain skill or experience that you may have either overlooked, or didn't emphasize.

Elements of a Great Thank You Note

A well written thank you note always starts with a sincere thank you for the opportunity to interview for the position, and can include a gentle reminder to the recipient of why you would be a good fit for the position. Before concluding, it's best to show gratitude again for the interviewer's time to meet, and a line or two about the next steps of the hiring process.

Your thank you note should be concise and clear, and no more than one page. Typically, 250 to 300 words is ideal. Avoid any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. If emailing the note, keep the subject line simple - ex. "Thank you - Process Engineer position."

It's best to send a thank you letter while you're still fresh in the interviewer's mind. You should send the thank you note within 24-48 hours of the interview (the same day as the interview or the next).

Should I send an email or a handwritten note?

While in the past it may have been more common to mail a handwritten note, in recent years it is perfectly fine to send a follow-up thank you email instead, especially in the post-pandemic world - the manager may be working remotely, and not in the office to receive your note if you send it by mail!

Whether you choose to send the thank you note by mail or email, either is acceptable. Keep in mind that if you send a handwritten note, take care to make your handwriting clear and legible. If you do not have good penmanship, it is fine to mail a typed letter that is personally signed.

How To Write A Thank You Note or Email After An Interview

Should a handwritten note be written differently?

A handwritten note should be no different from a thank you email in terms of structure and syntax. However, be aware of your own limitations with penmanship, and choose to send an email or a typed letter if your handwriting resembles more of a doctor's scrawl than a teacher's perfectly formed letters.

Take care to write on high quality stationary instead of a simpler piece of paper. Your handwritten note is a great way to subtly show your professionalism, and every detail matters.

Sample Thank You Note


J.R. Frost
Director, Human Resources
Innovative Engineer Concepts
1057 Ocean View Dr.
Santa Clara, CA 91676

Dear Mr. Frost,

Thank you for the opportunity to interview for the Process Engineer position. I enjoyed meeting with you to learn more about the opportunity and how I can best help your company.

Your interview convinced me of how compatible my background, interests, and skills are with the goals of Innovative Engineer Concepts. As we discussed, my undergraduate education and background as a Chief Engineer have prepared me to handle the challenges of the Product Process Engineer position. I am confident my work for you will bring tremendous results.

I am very excited at the prospect of becoming a member of your team. I realize your time is valuable, and I want to thank you again for taking time out to meet with me.

I look forward to our next meeting.


Steven Lawson

A Great Thank You Note Helps You Stand Out From The Crowd

Whether you decide to send a thank you note that's handwritten, typed, mailed, or emailed, a well written thank you note will make you stand out from others interviewing for the same position. Many potential candidates don't bother to send a note at all, so even a simple email will help you have an advantage over your peers.

A thank you note helps you reiterate your interest in the organization and position, shows your gratitude for the interview, and reveals that you are willing to go the extra step to secure the role.

If you are a veteran or transitioning from the military and struggling with even getting an interview, an Orion Recruiter is a great resource to work with to find opportunities that are a good fit for your skills and preferences. Reach out to an Orion Recruiter today and learn more about our veteran placement services.

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