Who Ya Gonna Call? Orion Talent!

10/31/2019 7:59:10 AM

Ghouls, goblins, and ghosts! It’s that spooky time of the year when children and adults alike don a new and often scary persona to earn tricks or treats. You may open your door tonight to a few ghosts, and, at Orion, that’s where we like them -- at your door, not in your recruiting process.

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New E-Book - 1999-2019: Lessons Learned from 20 Years of Military Hiring

10/24/2019 8:09:47 AM

Twenty years have passed since Andy Pero and Shane Bishop, Account Executives at Orion Talent and Service Academy graduates, began their post-military careers at Orion. During that time, Andy and Shane have helped at least 400 companies hire more than 2,000 veterans, and have gleaned some valuable best practices. We are excited to share their insight in our new e-book, “1999-2009: Lessons Learned from 20 Years of Military Hiring.”

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Four Interview Tips for Employers

10/3/2019 10:17:26 AM

In the age of ghosting, social media reviews, and low unemployment rates, the interview process has become far more than a series of questions you ask a candidate. Whether it be a screening or selection interview, by phone, video, or in person, the candidate experience throughout the process is paramount.

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Veterans Outscore Their Civilian Peers in Leadership

10/1/2019 10:30:08 AM

Regardless of the type of industry, companies are looking for one major quality when actively hiring - an individual who has a leadership acumen.

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